During the past school holidays, there was a youth outing to Lukut, Port Dickson. A total of 20 youths, parents and serving ones from the church in Petaling Jaya participated.
Throughout the outing of 3 days and 2 nights, the youths experienced corporate living and blending with youths from other localities. Such an outing affords them the opportunity to find spiritual companions through which they can have mutual shepherding, pursuing the Lord together.
A series of messages concerning Daniel and his three companions were released in the meetings. The burden of the messages were to impress the youths that in such a desolated age, God needs the young people to rise up to turn the age. These age-turners are voluntarily consecrated ones, those who are joined to God’s hearts’ desire through His Word, cooperating with God through prayers and not caring for their own life.
Praise the Lord! Through this outing, the youths learned to live the corporate church life and see that there are also groups of young people from different localities living the church life, testifying the oneness of the universal Body of Christ. The youths were also encouraged to join the Mid-Year Youth Perfecting during the coming school holidays that they may become today’s Daniels, the age-turners who bring the Lord back!