Malaysia Campus Blending Conference (Nov 15-17, 2024) (Part One)

Campus student’s testimony on the past Malaysia Campus Blending Conference held on the 15th to 17th November, 2024:

“Thank the Lord for His speaking in this conference. The Lord shined within me through His speaking. I often feel inconvenienced and burdensome because I have been taking the church life merely as a commitment. I see that it is inadequate to merely attend meetings regularly; I should not view the church life lightly. Christ treasured the church exceedingly that He went and sold all that He had and bought it (Matthew 13:45-46).

How I need to be delivered from my human evaluation and to value the church from the view of Christ! Otherwise, I will be very calculative regarding the various services in the church. We need to be those who seek first His kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33).

Many times, I have many excuses, and in fact, they are all legitimate reasons. However, the Lord says in Matthew 10:37, "He who loves father or mother above Me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter above Me is not worthy of Me." Our love for the Lord must be absolute. We should love nothing above Him. He is the One worthy of all our love, and we must be worthy of Him.

The Lord does not want us to do so many things for Him outwardly; He is working in an intrinsic way. When we learn to take care of the life within us, our life will grow, and our mind will be renewed. As a result, we will not be calculative; rather, our sense of value will be like Mary (Matthew 26:7) — one who knows to seize the opportunity and choose the most excellent portion at the right time. We will be those who forsake all things for the sake of the church.

To pay the price is not only done at certain times or occasions, but we need to keep paying the price at all times. When the time comes that the price is greater, we will have no reservations and will pay it at all costs, just as we have done so previously. May all these words take deep root in us so that we will be constrained by His love to pay any price, and have our whole life utterly spent for Christ and the church.”