Campus Blending and Perfecting Trip to Sabah (Aug 28—Sep 5, 2022) (1)

Throughout the trip, the Lord spoke to me a personal word, “Never leave the first love”. The source of degradation of the church in Ephesus is when they lost their first love. To love the Lord with the first love means to give Him the first place in all things and events.

I’m very touched by the testimony of the saints in Tenom. I see how much I’ve been caring only for my own need, entangled and occupied by the anxieties of my future. The saints there are willing to forsake, in my perspective, a better life in the city, to answer God’s calling and serve the church in Tenom. To them, as long as they live, to work anywhere is the same as long as they can serve the Lord. Our goal, should not be set on earthly things, but set on the things above. Through their testimony, I’m reminded of Mary, who seized the opportunity, to pour all that she had to the Lord. When others saw this they were indignant, they felt that it was a waste, but because Mary saw the preciousness of the Lord, she was willing to give all that she had.

Like Mary I also desire to pour my all on the Lord. May the Lord continue to show us His preciousness to me, that I would pour my all to Him without any reservation.
Praise the Lord that through such a blending and perfecting trip, not only did I receive the supply of the word, I was also very much perfected in my service. I treasure the brothers’ fellowship, especially on the matter of the church in Ephesus leaving the first love towards the Lord. This enlightened me to see that in the present age, we are easily distracted by many outward things, our hearts are easily occupied and gradually, the Lord loses His ground in our hearts. The perfecting and fellowship rekindled my first love toward the Lord, giving Him the first place in all things.

I also treasure Rev. 2:29, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Today, I see that God needs young people to accomplish His will, and to answer His call. Especially when I went out to propagate the publications, I see the urgent need for me to be perfected and equipped with the truth in order to preach the word of God to the whole inhabited earth.

While visiting the churches with the saints, I saw how blessed we are. At the same time, I was also enlightened to see that we need a simple heart to love the Lord and long for His word. The saints staying in rural areas do not have the best circumstance, they need to pay a price to go to the meetings, yet for those of us who live in the cities with convenient transportation and high-speed internet, we often find excuses to be absent. When the saints knew that we were coming, they prepared many dishes for us, which caused me to see that they have a pure heart towards the Lord. I was also touched by the testimonies of the local serving saints. The saints were willing to forsake their future and give up their jobs to serve the Lord and His move on the earth.

In this blending and perfecting trip, I thank the Lord for being able to participate in serving the youth and piano. I see the importance of coordination in the corporate living and learned to coordinate, acknowledging that every member in the Body is indispensable. I see that the Lord needs the younger generation to accomplish His will. I thank the Lord for placing me in the Body life. May the Lord continue to perfect me, leading my every step for His will. I am willing to give my whole life to Him, to be used and sent by Him, to become His useful vessel, and a living witness. I am willing to consecrate myself to answer His call, join the two-years full-time training to be equipped with the truth. Rev. 2:29 says, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”
Praise the Lord that I had the opportunity to join the campus blending and perfecting trip to Keningau, Sabah. From this trip the Lord really opened my eyes to see His need in the church in Keningau. The Lord really needs a group of young people to serve Him! Whether it is preaching the gospel, visiting saints, cleaning, cooking or any sorts of work, He needs the young people! And that group of people is me, is us, the campus students! Since the trip, the Lord has put a burden in me towards the BM-speaking saints. While propagating the ministry books to the locals in Nabawan, I realized my lack in BM. So, I will improve my BM for the Lord’s need! During the trip, I also enjoyed the corporate life there. Brothers and sisters enjoy the Lord together by singing hymn, morning revival, night prayer, eating meals and especially in our levitical services! I really thank the Lord that He gave me this opportunity to join this blending and perfecting trip. My whole spirit is renewed!