Three-week Perfecting in Miri for Form 3

In this 3-week training, I am touched that we need to give ourselves to the Lord, to be perfected by Him to be His vessels unto honor. Today we need to see the heavenly vision, to accomplish God’s economy on the earth. I did not have the enjoyment at the beginning of the training. But when I put down my natural self and allow the Lord to work in me, I entered into the enjoyment. Praise the Lord for guiding me in this training, to gain more of Him. (KC)
I really enjoyed the time I spent with the other youths in the training, living together and enjoying Christ together. I have so many spiritual companions from this training and continue to pursue Christ with them. I’ve also learnt many things, how to live Christ and experience Christ as the center of my life. Before going to the training, I always refuse to use my spirit to contact God. Praise the Lord, through this training, I start to enjoy the Lord more and more each day, taking Him as my life supply and be constantly filled with Him. I am thankful that God called me to join this training and be a part of His plan.(HH)
Praise the Lord that He let me enjoy and experience Him, and even make me grow in life during the one month training in Miri. I was touched by the message  “Consecrating yourself to love the Lord.” I saw that a Christian life should be a life that love the Lord. Matthew22:37-38, And He said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the great and first commandment. God loves us that He paid a heavy price for us with His blood to redeem us back to Him. So if we see that the Lord loves us, we would automatically consecrate ourselves to the Lord. After the message ended, we had a time to pray to the Lord to consecrate ourselves to Him, during which I was touched by my companion’s consecration where they gave up their time, their phone and all the things that occupy their being and gave it to the Lord. I then also consecrated myself that I will join the 3 months training and that I give my time to Him. I want to renew my consecration to the Lord everyday and that each time I consecrate, I will love the Lord more, that I can live a life that love the Lord and is consecrated to Him. (YJM)