Testimonies from the Gospel Move in Sabah (December 22-29, 2019) (2)

Thank the Lord! Not only has the Lord allowed me to participate in the propagation of the gospel in Sabah, He has also shown me a group of brothers and sisters, loving the Lord out of a pure heart, labouring there to cooperate with the heart’s desire of the Lord. The going out this time really turned my concept: the propagation of the gospel doesn’t belong merely to the full-timers, trainees or students! All of us should participate! We should go there, at least once in our life time, to participate in the army of the Lord. After what we have seen and heard and experienced, we will be different in our prayer burden.
There are still eight other localities yet to have golden lampstands in Sabah. This requires not only our going financially and physically, we should also go in our prayers to speed up the Lord’s move in Sabah. My BM is poor and it was the obstacle I faced personally during the gospel move. But thank the Lord! There are other members in the Body who have filled up my lack. Such joy it was to have fellowship and prayers with our companions while preparing our meals! Living together with a group of saints who love the Lord out of a pure heart taught me to be watchful, to set my eyes again upon the Lord!
Having missed the last 2 gospel moves, being able to participate this time was a privilege. I was reminded once again that while I may be busy with my own life and career in the comfort of Petaling Jaya, the Lord has a great need in Sabah.
My group which consisted of 15 saints were sent to Halogilat and Rundum Highland. I was surprised to learn that though the gospel move began in Sabah more than 10 years ago, there are still many places that have yet to hear regarding the ministry. Throughout our propagation, the hunger of the villagers for the word touched me. There was a pastor in a village who bought 9 books as she does not know when she will be able to meet us again. The village head upon seeing us also allowed us to display our books and used his walkie talkie to invite other villagers in his native language, encouraging them to seize such an opportunity which they otherwise might regret. Due to the lack of new bibles available on hand, some natives were disappointed at not being able to purchase one and even requested to purchase a used bible of a sister.
Seeing how these seeking ones treasure the word of God exposes me. With the abundance of books readily available to us, we often take the ministry publications for granted. May the Lord have mercy on us that we will not be those who are starved in Joseph’s storehouse! Many are still waiting for us to bring the Word of God to them. Is it time for us to dwell in our paneled-up houses, while God’s house lies waste? Let us all be those who consider our ways. O how beautiful are the feet of those who announce the news of good things!