Children’s Camp 2017

We held the annual children’s camp on November 18th in Aman Suria Clubhouse. The total number of children who participated were 81, including 41 gospel friends. There were 61 serving ones who coordinated together. Thank the Lord for more than 36 parents came and helped taking care of the younger children. This was indeed a picture of sweet coordination and service in the Body where each one serve in a different aspect but we all serve in one Body. Hallelujah!

The burden of the children camp this year is to tell the children that someday, “God will call you”, just like how He called man for His purpose throughout the Old and New Testaments.

Below are some testimonies from the saints:

Thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve in the children camp. I was enlightened by the Lord when I saw children receiving Bibles as gifts during the prize-giving session. The Lord asked me, “You had the Bible with you since young, but how many times have you finished reading it?” I just repent to the Lord. I am in the third year of university and I am two to three times older than these children. I have the Bible with me for more than 10 years, but I have not read through the Bible 10 times. Recently, I do read the Bible, but it was inconsistent. I consecrate myself again to be serious in the Lord’s Word and to redeem more time for the Lord.
In this children camp, I see that I should not trust in my natural strength but to depend on the Lord and His Body. Before the camp, I was very worried with all the arrangements because some were not finalised. I just prayed, “Lord, what should I do?” and learn to depend on Him. The Lord told me not to worry but to fully depend on Him and the Body. I just obeyed the feeling within me and learn to fellowship with the members of the Body. “What I cannot see, another member of the Body will see; what I cannot do, another member of the Body will do.” This is the first time I have the experience of not relying on my natural strength but on the Body. Usually I will just do what I am confident in, but God opened my eyes to see that He only works when I have no confidence in myself. I can only see the Body when I learn to deny the self.
Praise the Lord for the annual children camp. During the preparation, I realized that I am a member in the Body of Christ, not an individual. I need the coordination with the other members. I learned to put down my own opinion for the greatest benefit for the Body. When I shared the story of Enoch to the children, I was also reminded to walk with God, to be one with God by allowing Him to be the centre and everything of my life.