Brothers and sisters, I see that we are all God’s sent ones. Such are a group of people who hear God’s word and carry out His purpose. I treasure the sharing of the saints serving in Keningau. After they have seen God’s need in Sabah, especially His need in Keningau, they were willing to give themselves, giving up their worldly future, presenting their bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord willingly and cheerfully. I was especially touched by their willingness to deal with the Lord continuously, fellowship with Him, causing them to have an assurance from the Lord, knowing where they should go. In my experience, I’ve been constantly receiving the Lord’s speaking in the meetings. However, I did not think that in the Lord’s move, we are all His sent ones. Today we have heard the Lord’s word, we should thus live a life on earth that will fulfill the Lord’s need, go out for the Lord, coordinate and have an intimate fellowship with the Lord without any barriers. Where the Lord’s vineyard is, there is my home!
I thank the Lord that I have the opportunity to participate in this campus perfecting and blending trip. This trip opened my eyes to see that today the Lord has a need to gain overcomers. Through the brothers’ fellowship on Revelation, I see that our destiny is either to be raptured or to be martyred. Our being an overcomer is not for ourselves that we would escape the 1000 years of discipline but that the Lord has a need.
Matt 5:8 says, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Through visiting the saints and through propagating spiritual books in the market, I can see that the people in Sabah have a hunger for the truth. Their hearts to seek the Lord are simple and pure. I was touched by a brother’s sharing that these people have been praying for many years to seek God. As such, when they heard the gospel, they did not reject it, but to them it was an answer to their prayers. This also caused me to see the Lord’s move Sabah and that I need to cooperate with Him in my going, in my prayer and in my giving. The speaking from the brothers and through contacting people, my love towards the Lord was refreshed and my purpose to serve Him was renewed.
Additionally, I also experience the importance of coordination in the Body. Through services, I was reminded that it is not a matter of whether I am capable of doing the task or the end result of a service, but what matters is whether am I being built together with the other members in the Body. I was exposed of my tendency to be individualistic and I was reminded that I need to learn to coordinate with others so that God can have the building He desires. By coming together with the sisters to pray in our service, I sense that there was sweet fellowship among us and the Lord. Overall, be it in contacting others, listening to His word or in contacting others, I see that as a young person in the Lord’s recovery, I need to aspire to be an overcomer, to be used by the Lord to carry out His commission and be a part of the man-child that can bring Him back. Praise the Lord!
In the Campus Blending and Perfecting trip, I enjoy that the Lord is constantly moving regardless of where we are. We need to see and corporate with God’s move on the earth today. At the blending centre in Keningau, I can see that the Lord is moving there, rising up saints to participate the trainings and blending. These trainings and blending are for the perfecting of the younger generations for the building up of Body of Christ. God’s work today does not hinge on only the Spirit alone. The Spirit moves through those that have a heart for Him and is expressed through them. At Keningau, I am able to see the move of Christ in wanting to gain Malaysia. The Lord needs people who know and understand Malay for His move in Malaysia, and I need to keep up with the standard. The Lord continues to move in Malaysia, and God has blessed the facilities prepared in Keningau.
After I have a higher seeing after that blending trip, knowing that God needs to save the locals for His purpose, I also need to prepare myself for it, the seeing is not for the purpose of building up myself. Rather, each time I see God, the less than I am able to set goals for myself. Much more, I am being captured more and more for His will and purpose. We are captives of Christ today. The sevenfold intensified Spirit does not stop within us. The Lord’s move is to gain us today! Saints, let us all seize the opportunity of what God has ordained for us. Amen!