Blending Trip to Japan (October 28-November 7, 2019)

It was a miraculous and fruitful blending trip. Our God is sovereign and all things are governed by Him. Nothing happened coincidentally in life, which included His arrangements in bringing my family to Japan and the baptism of two gospel friends during the trip. I am very touched and enlightened to realize that our God works according to His plan and timing; what we need to do is just to give our full cooperation to Him by praying steadfastly for His interest on earth.

My mom and dad are very open to saints now, especially my mom who has joined some of our meetings. She has confirmed with me that she will come back to the church life and will meet with us, not with the denomination. I almost couldn’t believe that she could be so open and indeed she truly enjoys the word of God. May the Lord continue to gain her and open her eyes to see God’s economy.
Throughout our journey, we have visited four cities in Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto). I am encouraged to see the oneness among the churches in the Lord’s recovery more than ever before. No matter where we go, there are always a group of saints who truly love the Lord, manifested in their love towards us. They are willing to spend and be utterly spent for the church. My spirit is refreshed by the love of the saints and our fellowship in spirit. We can truly testify that love is the most excellent way for the building up of the church!
It was truly a blessing to witness two Malaysian saints’ baptism in Higashi-Osaka meeting hall and in Rejoice Garden, in the mountains of Kobe. Glory be to God!

Our Japan blending trip started off with much diversity but through much prayers and fellowship, the disparities were ironed out. We experienced the cross of Christ—the harder you are, the more lessons of the cross you will experience. Thereafter, we see God’s leading as He worked Himself into every member through various experiences. It is only through prayers, fellowship and denial of the self that God’s presence was with us throughout the blending.

We enjoyed our sweet blending with the saints in Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe and Kyoto during several meals and outings. We also enjoyed God’s creation in witnessing the changing of leaves colour in the beautiful scenic autumn. We had blending meetings, sang hymns in Japanese and enjoyed the spiritual food dispensed by the saints in Japan. A brother in Kobe had the burden to share with our young working saints on Matthew 6:33, to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you”. We have also met many deaf-mute saints in the Lord’s Table prophesying in sign language to ‘speak for and speak forth God’! Praise the Lord for His Body!
We need to pay the price to come out of our comfort zone to blend with saints overseas to see the one new man. There is no Japanese or Chinese, but Christ is all and in all. It is through this blending of having to stay with 16 brothers and sisters in a rented unit with only two toilets and limited space that I get to experience to live an all-fitting life. I was moved to tears when we attended the Lord’s Table meeting at Osaka where majority of the saints have physical defect. They are dumb yet they have such joyous countenance and they expressed their love and praises to the Lord through sign language. How much more should we then, those who can speak, rise up to speak for God and speak forth God! The Spirit is always ready and expects to speak with us and through us, but we would not always cooperate with Him. Whenever we come to the meetings, we must try to speak. As long as we speak, God will be happy. This trip turned out to be profitable when one brother was baptized in Osaka and another brother was baptized in Kobe. It was a glorious testimony.
Praise the Lord for such genuine blending! In this blending I experienced the reality of blending, which is through the cross, by the Spirit, to minister Christ into others for the sake of the Body of Christ! My natural concepts, thoughts, and opinions were very much exposed and dealt with by the Lord during this trip. But thank the Lord, the Lord gives the Spirit not by measure after these dealings. Additionally, I have also experienced the vision of the mighty One in Deuteronomy 23:21, His divine view of God’s people! Thank the Lord for giving us two fruits during this blending trip! Glory be to Him!
Praise the Lord for this wonderful trip. I was really shepherded throughout the whole journey by being with the saints and meeting the Japanese saints. We had genuine blending and fellowship with one another and I learnt to open up to the saints around me. I see that even during the imperfect planning, there is the perfect will of God with His dispensing and grace. Thank the Lord that He has added two new brothers into His Body! All the glory be to Him!
Praise the Lord for such a great blending in Japan. I appreciate the local saints who took care of our food, accommodation, and transportation from Osaka till Kyoto. I am thankful for the love of God expressed through the saints along our journey. The most precious part of our journey is the baptism of two gospel friends to become the members of the Body. We should also continue to pray for the salvation of another gospel friend.